Monday, March 19, 2007

So this is my very first post about jam

Why jam you ask?

A valid question.

Over the weekend I went to the Vivienne Westwood exhibit at the DeYoung with my friend Belen. After ogling at the profane t-shirts and shredded ballgowns, we stopped at the museum cafe for a glass of wine.

I told her that I was exhausted by the cycle of working late on spreadsheets, drinking $14 cocktails at Financial District bars, and collapsing into bed, only to wake the next day and do it again. One day I had a tough time figuring out an Excel formula, and when I finally nailed it I said, "Take that, bitch!" To the spreadsheet. Out loud.

So I needed something else, I told her.

"And that sometheeng...eees jam?" she asked. Spanish accents make pointed questions more charming, somehow.

Yeah, I guess, so that something is jam. I'm making jam in my little studio apartment in the Mission district of San Francisco. On Saturday morning I buy the fruit at the Alemany farmer's market, prepare it on Saturday afternoon, and bottle it on Sunday. At least that's the plan.


Unknown said...

So here's your first comment. How ironic(?) that I'm reading you jam blog in my jammies.

Sonya Worthy said...

jam is much cooler than spreadsheets!

Liquid said...

Very interesting blog you have! I'll be back, soon! :)

Nicole said...

Hey, I'm in my jammies now too.
It is an interesting concept and I have to say that spread sheets turn my brains to jelly so?? Why not! I know nothing of Excel!

Keep blogging.